Category Archives: Stream
Episode 11 Stream
Thanks guys! : ) Lots of interesting chat discussion, lots of food for thought! Anyone interested in helping me with the next Command plugin please drop me a line.
Episode 11 Stream Announcement
Desert Storm was the most meticulously planned and decisive air campaigns to be carried out in human history to date. War planners were given a massive arsenal designed to fight Warsaw Pact forces in Europe to systematically incapacitate and defeat one of the larger and more battle experienced armies in the world at the time. Target […]
Episode 10 Raven 21 is Down Stream
Cheers!! Thanks guys for watching :) The crew of Raven 21 thanks you all for your assistance! The stream will be uploaded to YouTube!
Episode 10 Stream Announcement
Date/Time: 19 January, 1976 / 23:00:00 Zulu (November 23rd 2013, 5:00 PM PST) Location:Gulf of Aden Introduction In 1972 the Soviet Union signed an agreement with Somalia to improve and modernize the port of Berbera in return for Soviet access to the facility. Access to Berbera gave the Soviet Union the ability to counter United […]
Episode 9 Joint Command Stream
Cheers! Great stream! Many thanks to everyone! I was terrified before the stream that JC wasn’t going to perform as well as she did. I’ve also moved from a closed beta to an open beta, please join us at to arrange for some multiplayer fun. : ) Joint Command BETA download link: (Also […]
Episode 9 Joint Command Stream Announcement
I’d like to arrange a public test of my multiplayer plugin for this Saturday! I’ve created a plugin for Command called Joint Command. It is turn-based, and has a real PBEM (Play by email) feel to it; though Joint Command takes care of sending the required files around. I will be accepting all beta applications […]
Episode 8 Stream
Thanks everyone for tuning in :) Episode 8 (streamed live 11/02/2013) focused on 1950s Strategic Nuclear Warfare! Its Stalin’s last eve Christmas 1952 and he wants to make it a hot one for The West! Part 1 1950s Strategic Nuclear Warfare I start off the episode by setting up the the American radars in northern Canada […]