
Tag Archives: EBook

Northern Fury H Hour Released

Northern Fury: H-Hour, a book based on the Command scenario set, has now been released. The book describes the leadup to and beginning of a Third World War in the 1990s between NATO and a surviving USSR.

My Newest EBook Is Out: Paint The Force Red

My newest ebook, Paint The Force Red, is now out on Kindle. It’s a brief guide to making fictional nations and their armed forces, something I’ve long been interested in (as any look at the OPFOR-tagged posts on this blog can indicate). My aim with Paint The Force Red was to illustrate the basics someone […]

I have a military-themed ebook out

I, Coiler, have a new ebook out. It’s called the Volunteer Force Threat Brief, and it’s on Kindle here. I’ll be honest. This may be one of the first literary tributes to an OPFOR manual out there. Those were, no joke, one of the primary inspirations for this. I’ve had this army called the Volunteer […]