
Author Archives: Coiler12

The Hired Goons Campaign

One of the most inventive uses of Command to tell an unconventional story is Yooper’s “Hired Goons” interactive Let’s Play. Inspired by the old game Strike Commander  , it involves thread participants voting on everything from procurement (which as of this post is the main topic of the thread as the team replenishes its losses) […]

More OPFOR Manuals

In light of my post on my fake countries, I might as well share some more real fake countries, and no, that is not an oxymoron. Here’s the second volume of my OPFOR manual collection. Alongside the Circle Trigon/Krasnovian/Donovian manuals in the first post (visible here), this contains several Commonwealth OPFORs. “Musorian” soldiers in the […]

Fake Nations

The creation of fictional nations for the sake of training exercises is not a new thing. For my Command exercise scenarios, I have gone one step further from simple “REDFOR” and made several fictional countries, with interesting results. Suffolkistan From: SEAL Submarine Exercise. Suffolkistan is a fictional designation for the real area of Suffolk County, […]

The Rules of The Game

Andrew Gordon’s The Rules Of The Game used to be my favorite history book of all time. Now, I view as history let down by bias. The large volume is still a magisterial history of the Battle of Jutland and the development of the Royal Navy in the 1800s. It covers the battle itself, and […]

My opponents

I’ve looked at my community-submitted scenarios and took a look at who the sides opposing the player were. They were pretty-diverse. Albania Airstrike (Albania) Yellow Sea Patrol (China) The Migrant War (Oman) Chilean Chevauchee (Peru) Ancient Armies, Modern Weapons (Ptolemaic Kingdom) Great Asian War: Southwestern Front (Vietnam/Cambodia) Regaining Honor (US) A Day At Red Flag […]

The Longest Battle Experiment

Sometimes, Command scen builders like to experiment. No stranger to pushing the limits, Gunner98 tried an extremely-long, Lua-filled epic called “Northern Fury 12.6-The Longest Battle“. It was trying out the game in a new way. Not in the sense of pushing the limits of conventional difficulty per se-this was not the wargaming equivalent of the […]

When You’re Dealt An Impossible Hand

The cargo function released as part of Chains of War has given me an idea for a highly dubious air and helicopter assault scenario, one that I’ve nicknamed “Operation Superstore Garden”. This plan involves putting almost every air-qualified NATO soldier into almost every transport, and then unleashing them in a drop near the [East] German/Polish […]