
Category Archives: Article

My opponents

I’ve looked at my community-submitted scenarios and took a look at who the sides opposing the player were. They were pretty-diverse. Albania Airstrike (Albania) Yellow Sea Patrol (China) The Migrant War (Oman) Chilean Chevauchee (Peru) Ancient Armies, Modern Weapons (Ptolemaic Kingdom) Great Asian War: Southwestern Front (Vietnam/Cambodia) Regaining Honor (US) A Day At Red Flag […]

The Longest Battle Experiment

Sometimes, Command scen builders like to experiment. No stranger to pushing the limits, Gunner98 tried an extremely-long, Lua-filled epic called “Northern Fury 12.6-The Longest Battle“. It was trying out the game in a new way. Not in the sense of pushing the limits of conventional difficulty per se-this was not the wargaming equivalent of the […]

The Broken Staff-The (In)Effectiveness of Militia

The United States has always had a ‘militia legend’, one that has affected certain thinking for a while now. The romance of the citizen picking up his rifle and going off holds sway in er…. certain corners. So I figured that an examination is in order. The topic is a fascinating one. The Original Militia […]

The Kirov-class Battlecrusiers Part 1

Nebakenezzer posted a few great posts on the AIRPOWER thread on SA recently, I’ve asked his permission to publish them here! Please check out his blog at! Infodump on Kirov-class Battlecrusiers Note: this infodump is quick and dirty. I have two sources for this infodump: a Osprey book on Soviet Battlecrusiers, and this extensive series […]

The CentFront Challenge

The CentFront of West Germany has long been recognized as the pivotal theater of the World War III that never was. However, it’s surprisingly underused in Command. The “_____ Fury” scenarios by Gunner98 focus elsewhere, and while there are some good scens focusing there, most of the WWIII missions in the community pack take place […]

Seventy Years of OPFOR

The Many OPFOR Nations The asymmetric OPFOR has been haunting the training grounds of the US Army for seventy years now, beginning shortly after World War II. Having an inherently dissimilar force is effective at training an army to face an opponent that looks, moves, and fights differently. OPFORs have run the gamut from overly […]

Back Blogging Battleships

So, it’s time for the Cold War battleships to sail again, simply because I’ve been looking up a lot of information on their hypothetical modifications. And what I saw was interesting enough to write about. First, the 1980s reactivation of the Iowas. Historically, their modifications were minor in comparison to some of the other proposals. […]