This comming Saturday (5pm PDT Oct 12th) I will have a special guest on the show: Mike Mykytyn!!!! I’ll be asking him questions about Command, WarfareSims and about the future of computer wargaming and modern naval combat!
Also if you want to ask questions about the game you are more than welcome to join the chat to ask questions!
Mike “mikmyk” Mykytyn.
If you have used the Editor=>Import/Export Units feature in Command then you might have blown up some of Mike’s content! I know I have!
Command’s ability to create a ready made scenario via the Import/Export units feature is absolutely one of my favorite features! If I want to invade Syrian airspace to blow up Assad I turn to the huge amount of Syrian units in Command’s import system, it lends credibility to sandbox scenarios… If I’m blowing up real SA-5 positions in the real Syria it makes the game seem so much more immediate!
I like the import feature so much that the background of my website at is entirely from the CentFront import files! You can make that huge scenario in about 20 clicks and a few minutes in game!
Please join us LIVE on Saturday (5pm PDT Oct 12th)!