
Category Archives: Command Scenario

Kuril Sunrise is out

My newest Command LIVE scenario, Kuril Sunrise, is out. It can be bought on Matrix or Steam.

Falklandsesque Conflicts

I want to start by( slightly belatedly) mentioning Command’s “fifth birthday”. It’s amazing both how far it’s come and how good it was even back then. As I’ve mentioned before, what made me fall in love with Command was its ability to simulate the most obscure and unlikely conflicts. Simulating the American or Russian Air […]

Commonwealth Collision has been released

Commonwealth Collision, the second Command Live scenario I authored, is out. It’s available on Matrix and Steam.

Squadron sizes

Knowing fighter squadron sizes is useful for new scenario builders. Though not perfect in every single case, a good rule of thumb for a fighter squadron deployed at an air base in Command is 10-24 aircraft. The low-end is for an underequipped or battered unit, the high-end is for a USAF squadron at full paper […]

PING! The Silent Service DLC is out!

The Silent Service DLC for Command, full of submarine-centric scenarios, has now been released. It’s available on Matrix and Steam.

Finding A Place For an Unusual Scenario

Most of the time, picking the location for Command scenario is not very difficult for me. But not all. I was making a scenario where the player takes control of a group of coup plotters controlling a limited force. The scenario itself stalled out for a variety of reasons , but the story of its […]

Black Gold Blitz is Released

Black Gold Blitz, the Command LIVE scenario I authored, is now released. It’s available on Matrix and Steam. When I first got Command, being led to it by Baloogan’s videos, or even when I first started writing at Baloogan Campaign, I would never have thought that I’d end up making an official DLC scenario. But […]