Category Archives: Article
Guidelines and Suggestions on Side Proficiency
I eagerly took advantage of the side proficiency setting options in Command as soon as they became available, using them in many of my scenarios. When 1.06 was released with the option of setting proficiency for individual units, I became even more interested. Many have undoubtedly asked “what determines the ideal setting for a side”? […]
Looking back at the OPFORs
In the early 1990s, the US Army released a set of documents describing the “capabilities-based OPFOR” (Opposing Force), a stand-in enemy force that could be used in training exercises. The documents describe the organization and tactics of both a “Heavy” and “Light” OPFOR nation. As reference tools, they remain extremely valuable. While obviously dated given […]
What is in a (Ship) Name?
I like to use fictional ship names for Command. First, using fictional names lessens the need for the sort of direct 100% accuracy, such as putting a ship in the wrong geographical area. Second, I simply like thinking of names. For navies/ship types with established naming conventions, (people for American destroyers and frigates), finding a […]
Modeling Political Influence in Command
Political restrictions and influences have always played a part in war, and several Command scenarios have taken this into account. To what degree political difficulties should be implemented depends greatly on the context on the scenario. The tools a scenario designer can use include: geographic restrictions, point penalties, indirect political effects and the briefing. Geographic […]
Lua in Play – Using Lua to Implement Scenario Functionality
Lua provides a vast number of new possibilities for scenario creators, letting you automate tasks. Today we’re going to discuss how you can use Lua in a real scenario, using my upcoming Operation Fei Lian as an example. We’ll discuss how to integrate Lua into your scenario development workflow, and also how to implement solutions to […]
Lua as a Force Multiplier
Integrated in Command version 1.06, the Lua scripting language is a new “Event Action” type in the Scenario Editor’s established Event Engine allowing for altering elements of the running scenario. Baloogan, Tomcat and ckfinite have produced an excellent documentation explaining how to use Lua in Command scenarios. What I want to share with you here is my non-advanced user experience of […]