

Download here:

This update can be applied to any existing Command installation, from v1.00 all the way to v1.03.

Release Notes:

– 0000602: Mk1 Eyeball sensor
– 0002779: Added weapons to torpedo tubes do not appear.
– 0003189: Weaponry pre-fire checks addition: TSARH illumination at intercept point
– 0003882: New weapon codes for torpedoes
– 0004489: Look at torpedo counter measure values or the message in the log
– 0005116: ESM seekers on multi-seeker missiles should probably not use ESM seeker in endgame calcs?
– 0005426: SAM and AW Bug Part II
– 0005845: Radar OTH code is not implemented
– 0005844: ESM OTH detection
– 0005626: The Case of the air to air tomahawks
– 0005555: Can re-direct AIM-120C-7 after radar has gone active
– 0006225: TVM guidance issues
– 0006165: RB 15 Mk3 will not impact on land target
– 0006154: Radar-guided ASMs should not use ESM seeker for target attack
– 0006153: Seeker activation range for multiple seekers
– 0006107: ESM detection issues: LCS vs FFG 7
– 0006070: SA-3 fired at 40k target when max alt if 33k ft
– 0006025: [461] Aster 15 Homes in on warship
– 0006548: Missile illumination issue in Cape Road
– 0006376: ]480]Cannot illuminate F-35, self destructing
– 0006337: B480 Sensor Line of Sight Issues and Missile Intercepts Off.
– 0006316: [480] Shoud thee Fullbacks be seeing the SA-3 Radars
– 0006592: [484]LGB homing in without Laser Guidance
– 0006567: [483] strange SM-2 behaviour
– 0006566: [483] Torpedo Hit Whiteout
– 0006842: AARGM seeking Fulcrum’s Slot Back
– 0006872: Fire Sparrow on ESM contact
– 0006879: SARH missiles through terrain
– 0006883: ‘Flickering’ Sonar sensor range
– 0006954: [Build 500] Ship ESM detection for non OTH seems pretty short {6nm)
– 0006963: [Build 500] Unit takes a gun shot at a uncertain target 30nm away
– 0006930: [498]EO Weapons suduced by flares
– 0006975: [B504] Buddy illumination for A-10A doesn’t seem to work.
– 0006977: SA-N-6 fired at ESM contact and goes blind
– 0006998: Redirect issues: AMRAAMs and HARMs
– 0007020: Laser-armed LCS makes sim crash
– 0007021: Exception in debugger – MapRender_Tactical
– 0006499: Load Problems Related to Sound???
– 0007011: [B504] Crash when turning on radars for a F-18F with SHARP Recon pod
– 0006978: SAMs go blind as target crossed 5nm
– 0006988: Must re-establish datalinks at start of pulse (AEGIS ship fires too many SM-6)
* FIXED: ASAT impact caused a crash.
– 0001012: Datalinks are shown only episodically
– 0005323: [416] Hijack guided missiles
– 0005580: HARMs can hit moving ships that have been passive for quite some time
– 0006351: Sam’s not accelerating fast enough
– 0006069: AIM-9 starts out BEHIND the firing unit
– 0005923: AS-9 Won’t fire on SEAD Patrol
– 0005731: SEAD flight will continue to launch Shrikes to SAM Batallions that have already had their sensors disabled.
– 0006993: DB3k Update: Buddy Fuel Tanks for A-6 and A-7, and normal fuel tank request
– 0006995: DB3k: Norwegian and Danish MLU updates
– 0006992: AIM-120C-7 to Israel:
– 0006870: DB3k: Ukrainian Navy
– 0006626: Sovremenny Bell Shoud ESM vs. E-3 Sentry (sensor needs more bands)
– 0007025: Make SA-2/4/5 anti-missile capable
– 0007024: RB 15 Mk3 needs INS/GPS navigation
– 0007018: DB3k: 1992 F-15C Loadout Request
– 0007016: DB3k: AC-130J Update
– 0007005: Add GBU-28/C and update GBU-57 warhead
– 0007026: DB3k Update: LCS Radars
– 0007029: All seekers incl torpedo seekers need 1 sec scan interval
– 0007030: Acoustic decoys need correct tech gens
– 0007034: Some ARMs are not working properly
– 0007053: First-pass HOJ (home on jam) model
– 0007045: Adjust max firing altitude for certain weapons
– 0007044: Various SEAD issues
– 0007039: DB3k: Add K9 Thunder Mobile Artillery System
– 0007035: SEAD patrol not working properly
– 0007072: MALD issue
– 0006910: [498] Crash with scenario attached.
– 0002658: DB3k:Add (T-AGM 23) USNS Observation Island
– 0005690: DB3k: Issue with Amatola ESM
– 0006738: DB3k Update: Out of service date for ship 1466
– 0006835: MM Guiseppe Garibaldi – Prewar cruiser converted to Terrier ship
– 0006624: DB3k: TP 611 Torpedoes search after firing unit Spica is sunk
– 0006909: Flamant-class patrol vessel
– 0006970: DB3k: A-12 ECM issue
– 0006971: DB3k: Ship #922 & #2198 issues
– 0006973: DB3k: Generic Mine [Moored, Contact Fuze] – 0006974: DB3k: F-35 Items
– 0007010: Oscar SSGN need datalink for SS-N-19, etc
– 0006997: RIM-161 SM-3 Blk IB should be ASAT capable
– 0006976: [B504] ICBMs freezing in mid air
– 0007100: [486] Redundand Crash + Down Town
– 0007122: [504] Lock up w/ larger scenarios
– 0007124: 504- Ed’s Crashes
– 0005559: [430] Units ignoring mission setting transit speed settting when assigned to a support mission
– 0001510: Fighters should turn to keep SARH targets within radar arc
– 0003774: Ships should be able to detect floating mines visually
– 0003784: Strike missions need proper AAW escort behaviors
– 0003995: Seafox I vehicles run out of fuel and not showing up in Mission Editor
– 0005180: Sub Launching TLAM at -388
– 0006949: Update TCD Foudre
– 0006928: DB3k Fix: DF-25 Unit has DF-16 Missiles
– 0006851: No Pulse and Time compression button
– 0006674: DB3k; Add AGM 129A loadout to B-52H 1991
– 0006531: Yugoslavian air force requests
– 0007112: DB3k: Do the V-880M and V-880E both have fully-active radar homing seekers?
– 0007094: DB3k: Mald Fuel Issue
– 0007129: CWDB Update:ID 1157 ZPU-1 x 4 not able to engage aircraft
– 0006952: CF-101 and CF-104 Nuke loadouts
– 0006951: USS Absecon (AVP-23) (1943 – 1949)
– 0006950: DD 825 Carpenter FRAM I Upgrade (#115-#759-#760)

Includes the current (v411) versions of the DB3000 & CWDB databases. Additions since v1.03 include:

Add Ship 2525 U 206 Vinnitsya [Grisha II PR. 1124P] Ukraine Navy 1994
Add Ship 2526 U 205 Lutsk [Grisha V PR.1124M]Ukraine Navy 1994
Add Ship 2527 U 207 Uzgorod [Pauk I PR.2141.2 Molniya 2] Ukraine Navy 1996
Add Ship 2528 U 310 Zhovti Vodi [Natya I Pr.266M] Ukraine Navy 1997
Add Ship 2529 U 120 Skadovsk [Zhuk Pr.1400 Grif] Ukraine Navy 1997 (1 Navy, 10 Border Guards)
Add Ship 2530 U 402 Konstyantyn Olshanskyy [Ropucha I Pr.775] 1997
Add Ship 2531 U 762 Ilyz Azarov [Alligator Pr.1171] Ukraine Navy 1997-2006
Add Ship 2532 U 401 Kirovograd [Polnocny C Pr.773] Ukraine Navy 2002
Add Ship 2533 U 130 Hetman Sahaydachniy [Krivak III Pr.1135.5 Nerei]-Ukraine Navy 1993.
Add Ship 2534 U 330 Melitopol [Sonya Pr. 1265] Ukraine Navy 1996 x2
Add Ship 2535 U 420 Donetsk [Pomornik Pr.1232.2 Zubr] Ukraine Navy 1993
Add Ship 2536 BG 31 Bukovian [Stenka Pr.205 Tarantul Ukraine Border Guard 1992 x13 6 in service by 2013
Add Ship 2537 T-AKR 10 Cape Island (C7-S-95A, Mercury) United States Navy 1980 x4
Add Ship 2538 T-AKR 9960 Cape Race (Saudi Riyadh Class)United States Navy 1993
Add Ship 2539 T-AK 4249 Capt. Steven L. Bennett United States Navy 1997 Ex. TNT Express
Add Ship 2540 T-AGM-23 Observation Island United States Navy 1982-2014 Cobra Judy ABM
Add Ship 2541 Flamant [OPV-54 Class] Francy Navy 1997 x3
Add Mount 2483 K1 88 Main Battle Tank South Korea, 1987
Add Facility 2194 Armored Plt (K1 88 MBT x 4) South Korea Army 1987
Add Mount 2484 K1A1 Main Battle Tank 1991, South Korea
Add Facility 2195 K1A1 MBT x 4 South Korea Army 1991
Add Mount 2485 155mm/52 K-9 Thunder 1991 South Korea
Add Facility 2196 Arty Bty (155mm/52 K-9 Thunder Self-Propelled Howitzer x 6) South Korea Army 1991
Modified facility 879 “Mech Infantry to Inf Platoon). Category Mobile Personnel.
Add mount 2486 K200 KIFV APC 1986
Add Facility 2197 Mech Inf Plt(K200A1 KIFV ACP x 4) South Korea Army 1986
Add Weapon 2923 105 BK MECA F2 L48 HE AMX-10RC
Add Weapon 2921 105 BK MECA F2 L48 APFSDS-T AMX-10RC
Add Weapon 2921 105 BK MECA F2 L48 HEAT AMX-10RC
Add mount 2487 AMX-10 RC 1981, France
Add facility 2198 Armored Plt (AMX-10RC x 3) France Army 1981
Add weapon 2924 90mm F4 HE ERC-90 Sagaie
Add weapons record 7191 90mm F4 HE–ERC 90 SAGAIE 20 20
Add mount 2488 ERC-90 F4 SAGAIE 1982 France
Add Facility 2199 Plt (ERC-90 F4 SAGAIE x 3) France Army 1982
Add mount 2489 (truck, VBL) Scout Car
Add facility 2200 Vehicle (Truck, VBL x 1) France Army 1990