

V1.02 is now available for download Here or through your updaters. Below is the change list for this version.


• Significant performance boost (both UI & simulation engine).

• Dramatically faster start-up.

• Includes updated versions of all official scenarios.


• Major new feature: You can set speed, altitude and sensor commands per waypoint.
• There are currently two ways to do this: Select the waypoint and either right-click on it to show available command, or press F2 and/or F9 to bring up the alt/speed and sensor windows respectively.
• Waypoint-specific command are applied to the unit once the unit reaches said waypoint.

• New major UI feature: Quick-jump slots. This allows the player to quickly & easily jump between locations/views of the battlefield without map zoom/pan delays.
• How they work:
• To store a slot: Select a unit/contact. Press Ctrl+[num], where [num] = 1…0 . The unit selection & camera altitude are now stored on slot No.[num] (and persisted per-side).
• To jump to a saved slot: Simply press [num]. If a slot with that index exists, the camera will move to the marked unit location & altitude.
• If you are using tracking-camera when saving a slot, this setting is also saved and enforced the next time you jump to this slot.

• New game option: Reference point visibility. Three settings are available: Normal (as currently), Small (half-size and grayed out), and Don’t Show. This significantly declutters the map in cases of dense ref-point concentrations.

• Significant improvements on the “Speed / Altitude” window (F2): Altitude presets for aircraft, similar to existing submarine depth presets, and ability to input precisely the desired speed & altitude/depth with arithmetic values in addition to the slider bars.

• UI addition: Mouse preview mode. When hovering over a non-selected unit/contact, the selection & datablock information for that unit is displayed slightly ghosted. This is useful for quick-look info (without having to display datablocks for all units) and particularly handy when targeting contacts.

• The map-cursor databox (a.k.a. Black Box of Data) can now be configured to appear beside the cursor (as currently), appear on the bottom of the map, or not appear at all. This is set by Game -> Game Options -> “Map Cursor Databox”, and is a global (not scenario/side-level), persisting setting.

• Added extra option on “Start Game” window: Resume from last Autosave. This makes it even easier (and more immediate) to continue a game session after a crash, freeze or other problem.

• Command now handles the 125% desktop font setting (increased DPI) much more gracefully, and adjusts the dimensions of the right-column panels to compensate. (We welcome feedback on any UI problem/mismatch we have missed.)

• You can now set the activation time for a mission through the mission editor.

• Delay-timed missions are displayed in the mission editor with a “[D]” prefix.

• You can now select a new home base for multiple-selected aircraft.

• You can now manually order a helicopter to hover and use its dipping sonar if it has one. The key combination is Shift+D.

• You can now edit aircraft names and delete specific aircraft directly through the Air-Ops window.

• Secondary windows now remember their last position and size (these are saved on the Command.ini file so they can be tweaked offline). So you can set up your desired “working environment” once and the windows will retain the customizations accross scenarios and game sessions. To reset the locations & sizes to their default values, click on the button “Reset positions of secondary windows” on the Game Options window.

• Secondary windows now correctly minimize/maximize together with the main game window, and they no longer visually block other program windows.

• Secondary windows can now be closed by pressing Esc, or their assigned function key (F2 etc.).

• The “Unassign” command (“U” key) has been added to the unit-context (aka right-click) menu.

• Added DB-hyperlinks to weapons on aircraft loadout selection window. Click on the weapon name and the DB-viewer will display the page for that weapon.

• Added DB-hyperlinks to the aircraft types in the air-ops window. Click on the aircraft type and the DB-viewer will display the page for that aircraft.

• Added DB-hyperlinks for weapons on the “Unit Weapons” window.

• The player can no longer select and drag-move the waypoints of non-datalinked weapons.

• Sound effects are now played on a single channel (HC97-style) instead of multiple parallel channels. This fixes the distortion & crackle problems when too many effects were played concurrently.

• New and improved sound effects for various gun calibers (incl. lasers), aircraft & helicopter take-offs, new contacts, alert (weapon contacts) etc.

• Background music is now available. This can be enabled/disabled through Game -> Game Options -> Sounds/Music. Players can add more soundtrack files (MP3) to be played randomly, by placing them on the \Sound\Music folder. The included track is the “official” Command soundtrack (the one from the promo trailer).

• Units listed on the mission editor and the air ops window now use natural sorting for the list order. So instead of this:
• Archer #1
• Archer #10
• Archer #11
• Archer #12
• Archer #2
• Archer #3
• Archer #4

• …you get this:
• Archer #1
• Archer #2
• Archer #3
• Archer #4
• […] • Archer #10
• Archer #11
• Archer #12

• Refined acoustic reverberation modifiers for sonars. Now the sonar’s tech level (more modern sets are affected less) and operating frequency (lower-frequency sets suffer the most) also play a part in determining degradation due to reverberation from shallow water or under-ice conditions.

• Added new realism option: Unlimited Aircraft Weapons. When enabled, aircraft have unlimited loadout packs available even if their bases are not loaded with weapons at all. This is not recommended for realistic prolonged scenarios (it makes airpower too omnipotent) but can be useful for quick experimentation.

• Aircraft dropping sonobuoys are now constrained by the channel capacity of their sonobuoy datalinks. In most cases this means they will drop fewer sonobuoys per “string”. To compensate for this, the default minimum spacing between successive sonobuoys has been doubled.


• New major feature: Proficiency levels. (First-pass implementation, side-level only)

• Proficiency modifiers are applied on a side level (on the “Add/Edit Sides” window in ScenEdit mode) and can affect a wide number of factors. The available levels are Novice, Cadet, Regular, Veteran & Ace. Default proficiency level for each side is Regular.

• Aircraft turn rates and agility modifiers on missile evasion attempts are now affected by proficiency levels. The changes, as percentages of the original values, are as follows:
• Novice : 60% of nominal
• Cadet : 70% of nominal
• Regular : 80% of nominal
• Veteran : 100% of nominal
• Ace : 110% of nominal

• The weapon endgame messages have been updated to display the information of these modifiers.

• OODA values are affected by proficiency levels. Novice crews take twice the nominal OODA value to execute their targeting process while ace crews beat even the nominal best-case value
• (all other levels in-between).

• Strategic submarines now actively evade not only weapon contacts but also potential sub & surface threats in proximity.

• Aircraft now have different safety margins for the Bingo calculations depending on their type. “Force-multiplier” assets like tankers, AWACS, EW aircraft have higher, more conservative safety margins while more “expendable” assets like tactical fighters have lower, more aggressive margins.

• Any aircraft with less than 1500 lts of internal fuel remaining is considered to be in bingo status regardless of its proximity to its home base (this helps with bingo calcs very close to the base).

• Aircraft AI improvements. Group members now always stick with the leader on a manual plotted course even if they have strike targets assigned.

• New doctrine option: Use SAMs in anti-surface mode (or not).

• New patrol type: Sea Control. This type effectively combines the targeting criteria of the ASuW-Naval and ASW patrol. Units assigned to this patrol type will target anything on the sea surface and below it.

• New doctrine option: Engage targets of opportunity (default is NO). When enabled, a unit will target and engage any contact for which it has suitable weaponry (at range up to 2x of max suitable weapon range), regardless of its mission tasking.

• “Hold Position” command added to right-click menu for mobile ground units.

• New event trigger: Unit Detected. Fires when a unit (flexibly filtered from side-wide down to specific unit) is detected by the specified side.

• New event-engine addition: Event Conditions.
• Conditions are managed and added to/removed from events just like triggers and actions. An event without conditions fires normally (probability check etc.). If conditions are present, all of them must be satisfied in order for the event to fire. (We intend to add the option to configure whether all conditions must be satisfied or at least one of them, for greater flexibility).

• Added first event condition: Side posture. (e.g. Side-A must consider Side-B as [friendly|neutral|unfriendly|hostile]). The condition also has an optional “NOT” operator (e.g. Side-A must not consider Side-B as friendly).

• New imports by Rudd: ROK, DPRK, Japan & Syria complete EW + AD installations 2003-2013.


• Aircraft:
• FA-50 Golden Eagle — South Korea (Air Force), 2015, 20x
• Hawk 51 — Finland (Air Force), 1981, 50x
• Hawk 51 — Finland (Air Force), 1987, 48x
• Hawk 51A — Finland (Air Force), 1995, 7x
• Hawk 66 — Finland (Air Force), 2013, 18x, Ex-Switzerland
• J 35FS Draken — Finland (Air Force), 1976, 6x + 18x, Ex-Swedish J 35F
• J 35FS Draken — Finland (Air Force), 1987-2000, 6x + 18x, Ex-Swedish J 35F, AIM-9P
• J 35S/XS Draken — Finland (Air Force), 1987-2000, 12x, Local-Production J 35F, AIM-9P
• JAS 39E Gripen NG — Sweden (Air Force), 2019
• M28B Bryza 1R [An-28 Copy] — Poland (Navy), 1995, 7x
• MH-60R Seahawk — Australia (Navy), 2015, 24x
• Nimrod MR.2P — United Kingdom (Royal Air Force), 1995
• RC-135W Airseeker [Rivet Joint] — United Kingdom (Royal Air Force), 2014
• Su-24MK2 Fencer D — Algeria (Air Force), 2007
• Su-24MK2 Fencer D — Syria (Air Force), 2012, 21x
• T-50 Golden Eagle — South Korea (Air Force), 2007, 50x
• TA-50 Golden Eagle — South Korea (Air Force), 2012
• AD-1 Skyraider — United States (Marine Corps), 1946-1950
• AD-1 Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1946-1950
• AD-1Q Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1946-1950
• AD-2B Skyraider — United States (Marine Corps), 1948
• AD-2B Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1948
• AD-2Q Skyraider — United States (Navy)
• AD-2Q Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1951
• AD-3C Skyraider — United States (Marine Corps), 1950
• AD-3C Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1950
• AD-3N Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1950
• AD-3Q Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1950
• AD-3W Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1951
• AD-4B Skyraider — United States (Marine Corps), 1950-1962
• AD-4B Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1950-1962
• AD-4N Skyraider — France (Navy), 1959-1973, [Night attack version] • AD-4N Skyraider — United States (Marine Corps), 1950-1962, [Night attack version] • AD-4N Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1950-1962, [Night attack version] • AD-4NA Skyraider — France (Air Force), 1958-1973, A-1D
• AD-4NA Skyraider — United States (Marine Corps), 1950-1962, A-1D
• AD-4NA Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1950-1962, A-1D
• AD-4NL Skyraider — United States (Marine Corps), 1950-1962, [Night attack version] • AD-4NL Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1950-1962, [Night attack version] • AD-4Q Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1958-1962, EA-1F
• AD-4W Skyraider — Sweden (Air Force), 1962, EA-1E
• AD-4W Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1951, EA-1E
• AD-4W Skyraider AEW.1 — United Kingdom (Royal Navy), 1951-1960
• AD-5 Skyraider — South Vietnam [-1975] (Air Force), 1961-1975, A-1E
• AD-5 Skyraider — United States (Air Force), 1964-1975, A-1E [1st Air Commando Sqn] • AD-5 Skyraider — United States (Marine Corps), 1953-1960, A-1E
• AD-5 Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1963-1964, A-1E
• AD-5N Skyraider — South Vietnam [-1975] (Air Force), 1966-1975, A-1G [Night attack version] • AD-5N Skyraider — United States (Marine Corps), 1966-1975, A-1G [Night attack version] • AD-5N Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1969-1972, A-1G [Night attack version] • AD-5Q Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1963-1970, EA-1F
• AD-5W Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1950-1962, EA-1E
• AD-5W Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1953-1962, EA-1E
• AD-6 Skyraider — South Vietnam [-1975] (Air Force), 1960-1975, A-1H
• AD-6 Skyraider — United States (Air Force), 1965-1975, A-1H [1st Air Commando Sqn] • AD-6 Skyraider — United States (Marine Corps), 1953-1962, A-1H
• AD-6 Skyraider — United States (Marine Corps), 1963-1968, A-1H
• AD-6 Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1953-1962, A-1H
• AD-6 Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1963-1968, A-1H
• AD-7 Skyraider — South Vietnam [-1975] (Air Force), 1971-1975, A-1J
• AD-7 Skyraider — United States (Marine Corps), 1960-1962, A-1J
• AD-7 Skyraider — United States (Marine Corps), 1963-1975, A-1J
• AD-7 Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1960-1962, A-1J
• AD-7 Skyraider — United States (Navy), 1963-1970, A-1J
• Buccaneer S.2
• Spitfire F. Mk IX — Egypt (Royal Air Force), 1945
• Spitfire F. Mk IX — Israel (Royal Air Force), 1945
• Spitfire F. Mk IX — United Kingdom (Royal Air Force), 1945
• Spitfire F. Mk Vc — Portugal (Royal Air Force), 1942
• Spitfire F. Mk Vc — Turkey (Royal Air Force), 1942
• Spitfire F. Mk Vc — United Kingdom (Royal Air Force), 1942
• Spitfire F. Mk XXIV — Egypt (Air Force), 1946-1955
• Spitfire F. Mk XXIV — Greece (Air Force), 1947-1953
• Spitfire F. Mk XXIV — India (Air Force), 1946-1955
• Spitfire F. Mk XXIV — Israel (Air Force), 1948-1955
• Spitfire F. Mk XXIV — Netherlands (Air Force), 1945-1954
• Spitfire F. Mk XXIV — Sweden (Air Force), 1948-1955
• Spitfire F. Mk XXIV — United Kingdom (Royal Air Force), 1945
• Spitfire F. Mk. XIV — United Kingdom (Royal Air Force), 1944
• Spitfire F. Mk. XVI — United Kingdom (Royal Air Force), 1942
• Spitfire F. Mk. XVIII — United Kingdom (Royal Air Force), 1946
• Spitfire PR. Mk. Mk XIX — United Kingdom (Royal Air Force), 1944-1954
• Spitfire PR. Mk. XVIII — United Kingdom (Royal Air Force), 1946
• Spitfire PR. Mk.X — Greece (Air Force), 1947-1953
• Spitfire PR. Mk.X — India (Air Force), 1947-1955
• Spitfire PR. Mk.X — Israel (Air Force), 1948-1955
• Spitfire PR. Mk.X — Netherlands (Air Force), 1946-1954
• Spitfire PR. Mk.X — United Kingdom (Royal Air Force), 1945
• XF-108 Rapier
• YF-12A

• Ships:
• 240 Kaszub [Pr.620] — Poland (Navy), 2008
• 272 Gen. K. Pulaski [Perry] — Poland (Navy), 2008
• 421 Orkan [Pr.660] — Poland (Navy), 2000
• 434 Gornik [Pr.1241RE Tarantul I] — Poland (Navy), 2000, 4x
• 70 Rauma [Helsinki II] — Finland (Navy), 1994
• 828 Edermen [Pr.1241.8 Tarantul V] — Turkmenistan (Navy), 2013
• 841 Salawaku [Waspada] — Indonesia (Navy), 2012, Ex-Brunei Navy
• AFSB(I) 15 Ponce [Austin Class] — United States (Navy), 2013, ex-LPD 15, Experimental
• Civilian Sailboat [20m, High-Speed] — Civilian (Civilian), 15kt Cruise, 24kt Max
• Commercial Fishing Boat [35m, Armed] — Pirates (Civilian), Mothership
• Dvora MkIII [Super Dvora MkII] — Israel (Navy), 2009, Spike-ER
• F 90 Thunder [Hamilton Class] — Nigeria (Navy), 2012
• HQ 375 [Pr.1241.8 Tarantul V] — Vietnam [1975-] (Navy), 2013
• L 100 Choules [Bay Class] — Australia (Navy), 2013, Ex-Largs Bay, 1x LCM-8, 2x LCVP, No LCM-1E
• L 16 Shardul — India (Navy), 2007
• L41 Jalashwa [Austin Class] — India (Navy), 2007, Ex- LPD 14 Trenton
• LCM-1E — Australia (Navy), 2015, 12x
• LCM-8 — Australia (Navy), 1967, 11x
• LCM-8 — India (Navy), 2007, x4 for INS Jalashwa
• LHD 01 Canberra [Juan Carlos Class] — Australia (Navy), 2017, 4x LCM-1E
• M 62 Porbandar [Pr.266M] — India (Navy), 1978
• MRK Buyan [Pr.21630 Buyan] — Russia [1992-] (Navy), 2007
• MRK Buyan Mod [Pr.21631] — Russia [1992-] (Navy), 2014
• PF 15 Gregorio del Pilar [Hamilton Class] — Philippines (Navy), 2012
• T-AOE 6 Supply — United States (Navy), 1999
• Auk Class MCM
• BB 70 TCG Yavûz Sultân Selîm — Turkey (Navy), 1938-1950, -work in progress
• C 551 Giuseppe Garibaldi — Italy (Navy), 1961-1972
• DD 14 Lo Yang [Benson-Mayo] — Taiwan (Navy), 1953-1975
• DD 15 Han Yang [Benson-Mayo] — Taiwan (Navy), 1953-1975
• DD 17 Nan Yang [Gleaves Class] — Taiwan (Navy), 1954-1973
• DD 901 Hsiang Yang [Sumner] — Taiwan (Navy), 1970
• DD 903 Hua Yang [Sumner] — Taiwan (Navy), 1970-1976
• DD 905 Yue Yang [Sumner] — Taiwan (Navy), 1970-1975
• DD 906 Hueai Yang [Sumner] — Taiwan (Navy), 1971-1978
• DD 910 Po Yang [Sumner] — Taiwan (Navy), 1970-1975
• DDG 903 Hua Yang[Wu Chin I Sumner] — Taiwan (Navy), 1976
• DDG 905 Yue Yang [Wu Chin I Sumner] — Taiwan (Navy), 1976
• DDG 906 Hueai Yang [Wu Chin I Sumner] — Taiwan (Navy), 1978
• LSM Class — United States (Navy), 1944
• M 62 Porbandar [Pr.266M] — India (Navy), 1978
• PGM 9 Class — United States (Navy), 1944
• R 21 Kotor (ex HMS Kempenfelt, 1956-1973) Yugoslavia
• R22 Pula (ex HMS Wager 1956-1971) Yugoslavia
• Type 53A Huangpu Class — China (Navy), 1956
• Type 55A Shantou/Swatow Class — China (Navy), 1956
• Type 55A Shantou/Swatow Class — North Vietnam [-1975] (Navy), 1956
• Facilities
• AAA Plt (40mm/70 CV 90 AAV x 3 [Lvkv 90]) — Sweden (Army), 1998
• Armored Plt (Chonma-ho x 3) — North Korea (Army), 1980
• Armored Plt (Chonma-ho x 4) — North Korea (Army), 1980
• Armored Plt (Leopard 2A5 MBT [Stridsvagn 122]) — Sweden (Army), 1998
• Armored Plt (Pokpung-ho MBT x 3) — North Korea (Army), 2002
• Armored Plt (Ramses 2 x 3) — Egypt (Army), 2005, T-54E
• Armored Plt (T-84 MBT x 3) — Ukraine [1992-] (Army), 1999, T-80
• Arty Bty (120mm 2S23 Nona-SVK Self-Propelled Mortar x 6) — Russia [1992-] (Red Army), 1994
• Arty Bty (120mm 2S9-1 Sviristelka Self-Propelled Mortar x 6) — Russia [1992-] (Naval Infantry), 1984, Nona variant
• Arty Bty (120mm 2S9-1 Sviristelka Self-Propelled Mortar x 6) — Soviet Union [-1991] (Naval Infantry), 1984-1991, Nona variant
• Arty Bty (120mm 2S9-S Nona-S Self-Propelled Mortar x 6) — Russia [1992-] (Red Army), 1992
• Arty Bty (120mm 2S9-S Nona-S Self-Propelled Mortar x 6) — Soviet Union [-1991] (Red Army), 1981
• Arty Bty (155mm/41 Palmaria Self-Propelled Howitzer x 6) — Libya (Army), 1982
• Arty Bty (155mm/45 PLZ-45 Self-Propelled Howitzer x 6) — Kuwait (Army), 2003
• Arty Bty (155mm/52 PLZ-05 Self-Propelled Howitzer x 6) — China (Army), 2008, PLZ-52
• Arty Bty (155mm/52 Self-Propelled Krab Howitzer x 6) — Poland (Army), 2013
• Arty Bty (BM-21 Grad MLRS Mod [WR-40 Langusta] x 6) — Poland (Army), 2011
• Arty Bty (BM-21 Grad MLRS x 6) — Poland (Army)
• Cavalry Troop (B1 Centauro x 5) — Italy (Army), 1991
• Downed Pilot (Mobile) — Generic (Generic)
• Inf Plt (Swedish Army) — Sweden (Army)
• Inf Sec (Forward Air Controller [Laser Designator]) — Generic (Army)
• Inf Sec (SAS Recon) — United Kingdom (Royal Army)
• Inf Sec (SAS) — United Kingdom (Royal Army)
• Inf Sec (SBS Recon) — United Kingdom (Royal Army)
• Inf Sec (SBS) — United Kingdom (Royal Army)
• Mech Inf Plt (BMD-1P [AT-5 Spandrel] IFV x 3) — Russia [1992-] (Red Army), 1991, Airborne IFV
• Mech Inf Plt (BMD-1P [AT-5 Spandrel] IFV x 3) — Soviet Union [-1991] (Red Army), 1981-1991, Airborne IFV
• Mech Inf Plt (BMD-2 IFV x 3) — Russia [1992-] (Army), 1991, Airborne IFV
• Mech Inf Plt (BMD-2 IFV x 3) — Soviet Union [-1991] (Army), 1985-1991, Airborne IFV
• Mech Inf Plt (BMD-3 IFV x 3) — Russia [1992-] (Army), 1992, Airborne IFV
• Mech Inf Plt (BMD-3 IFV x 3) — Soviet Union [-1991] (Army), 1990-1991, Airborne IFV
• Mech Inf Plt (BMD-4 IFV x 3) — Russia [1992-] (Army), 2006, Airborne IFV
• Mech Inf Plt (BMP-1 [AT-3 Sagger A] IFV x 3) — Soviet Union [-1991] (Red Army), 1967, Widely Exported
• Mech Inf Plt (BMP-1 [AT-3 Sagger B] IFV x 3) — Soviet Union [-1991] (Red Army), 1974-1991, Widely Exported
• Mech Inf Plt (BMP-1P [AT-5 Spandrel] IFV x 3) — Russia [1992-] (Army), 1992, Widely Exported
• Mech Inf Plt (BMP-1P [AT-5 Spandrel] IFV x 3) — Soviet Union [-1991] (Red Army), 1981-1991, Widely Exported
• Mech Inf Plt (BMP-3 IFV x 3) — Russia [1992-] (Army), 1992, Widely Exported
• Mech Inf Plt (BMP-3 IFV x 3) — Soviet Union [-1991] (Red Army), 1988-1991, Widely Exported
• Mech Inf Plt (CV 9040 x 4) — Sweden (Army), 1995
• Mech Inf Plt (CV 9040 x 4) — Sweden (Army), 2009
• Mech Inf Plt (Type 86/WZ501 [HJ-73 Red Arrow] IFV x 4) — China (Army), 1992, Widely Exported
• Mech Inf Plt (VBC Freccia IFV x 4) — Italy (Army), 2006
• Mech Inf Plt (VCC-80 Dardo IFV x 4) — Italy (Army), 1998
• Mech Inf Plt (ZBD-04/WZ502 [AT-10 Stabber] IFV x 4) — China (Army), 2007, ZBD-97, Type 97
• Mortar Plt (120mm Mortar [STRIX]) — Sweden (Army), 1995
• Mortar Plt (120mm Mortar) — Sweden (Army)
• Mortar Plt (84mm Mortar) — Sweden (Army)
• Radar (18045X) — Finland (Navy), 2011, FIKA Replacement
• Radar (AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel) — Lithuania [1992-] (Army), 2007, 2x
• Radar (AN/TPS-77) — Estonia [1992-] (Air Force), 2004, 1x
• Radar (ASR-7 GCA) — Latvia [1992-] (Air Force), 2003, 1x
• Radar (ASR-8 GCA) — Estonia [1992-] (Air Force), 2005, 1x
• Radar (Bar Lock A [P-37]) — Lithuania [1992-] (Air Force), 1997, 4x
• Radar (Coastal ACSR) — Denmark (Navy), 1988, 8x
• Radar (GM 403 Ground Master) — Estonia [1992-] (Air Force), 2014, 2x
• Radar (Knife Rest B [P-10]) — Lithuania [1992-] (Air Force), 1997, 2x
• Radar (PRA3000) — Finland (Navy), 2011, FIKA Replacement
• Radar (RM-100) — Poland (Army), 2006, 10x, Counter Battery
• Radar (Side Net HF [PRV-11]) — Lithuania [1992-] (Air Force), 1997, 2x, 1997
• Radar (Spoon Rest D [P-18]) — Lithuania [1992-] (Army), 3x
• SAM Bn (SA-25 [S-350 Vityaz]) — Russia [1992-] (Air Force), 2017, 8x TEL
• SAM Bty (Sky Bow I Bty [Tien Kung 1, Fixed Hardened]) — Taiwan (Air Force), 1994, 6x
• SAM Bty (Sky Bow I/II Bty [Tien Kung 2, Fixed Hardened]) — Taiwan (Air Force), 1999, 6x, Replaces Sky Bow I
• SAM Plt (HN-5B MANPADS x 4) — China (Army), 1990
• SAM Plt (HN-5B MANPADS x 4) — Pakistan (Army), 1990
• SAM Sec (PZR Grom MANPADS x 3) — Poland (Army), 1996
• SSM Bn (YJ-62) — China (Coastal Artillery), 2006
• Vehicle (Ammo Truck x 4) — Generic (Generic)
• Vehicle (Car x 1) — Generic (Generic)
• Vehicle (Puma x 1) — Italy (Army), 2001
• Vehicle (Truck, HMMWV x 1) — Generic (Generic), 1985
• Vehicle (Truck, VTML Lince x 1) — Italy (Army), 2003
• Anti-Tank Sect B-10 recoilless rifle (82mm) — Generic (Army)
• Anti-Tank Sect Carl Gustav recoilless rifle (84mm) — Generic (Army)
• Anti-Tank Sect M18 recoilless rifle (57mm) — Generic (Army)
• Anti-Tank Sect M40 recoilless rifle (105mm) — Generic (Army)
• Anti-Tank Sect M67 recoilless rifle (90mm) — Generic (Army)
• Anti-Tank Sect SPG-82 recoilless rifle (82mm) — Generic (Army)
• Anti-Tank Sect SPG-9 recoilless rifle (77mm) — Generic (Army)
• Inf Plt (RAF Regt) — United Kingdom (Royal Air Force)
• Inf Sec (SAS Recon) — United Kingdom (Royal Army)
• Inf Sec (SAS) — United Kingdom (Royal Army)
• Inf Sec (SBS Recon) — United Kingdom (Royal Army)
• Inf Sec (SBS) — United Kingdom (Royal Army)
• Mech Inf Plt (FV-432 APC) — United Kingdom (Royal Army)
• SAM Bty (CIM-10B Bomarc) 28 Launchers — Canada (Air Force), 1961-1972
• SAM Bty (CIM-10B Bomarc) 28 Launchers — United States (Air Force), 1960-1972
• SSM Bn (SS-6 Sapwood] TEL) — Soviet Union [-1991] (Red Army), 1959-1968

• Submarines:
o 022 Rais Hadi Slimane [PL-636M Kilo] — Algeria (Navy), 2011
o 294 Sokol [Type 207, Kobben Class] — Poland (Navy), 2002
o HQ 182 Ha Noi [PL-636M Kilo] — Vietnam [1975-] (Navy), 2014

• Misc:
o Avenger TBM-3S added AN/APR-1 and amended 12.7mm guns
o Avenger TBM-3W-2 added AN/APR-1, AN/APS-4 and Search Light
o Amended Minesweepers Habicht and Krake to conventional steel boats.
o Amended F-106 Delta Dart both the Air Defense Command and ANG versions cannon was added in “Project Six Shooter” in 1972 and replaced the Genie in the bomb bay. The original F-106 had none.
o Amended C 551 Garibaldi Polaris loadout to 4 Missiles only.
o Narval class SSK in service date amended
o Me 109s and He 111s for Spain have now got their Spanish designations and names
o AC-47 Spooky Winchester problem
o RAF 250lb LDGP, RAF 500lb LDGP, and RAF 2000lb LDGP have min launch altitude 10m
o Javelin Radar all variants amended
o 3” Rocket pk % amended
o 2” Rocket pk % amended
o Added pennant numbers to numourous USN SSKs, SSNs etc
o Added loads of Civ Comair
o All Guppy Class propulsion systems amended
o RB-57 D/F Canberra Max Alt amended
o Collossus and Majestic Class CV’s hanger and open parking areas amended
o AN/APS-20 radar amended for Surface Search
o All MCM Type vessels have correct MCM Sensors
o Soviet WW2 and pre WW2 Submarines now have correct Class names and torpedo loadouts
o Soviet WW2 and pre WW2 and early post war Destroyers have correct torpedo loadouts
o Added Soviet MO4 class guard ship
o Avenger all ASW Versions sensor fits amended
o F3H speeds amended
o FJ-1 speeds amended
o F3D speeds amended
o F-10A/B now classed as fighters
o MiG-19 speeds amended
o MiG-17 engine amended
o MiG-19 and 3 speeds amended
o F-80 all versions engines and speed amended
o F-84 all versions engines and speed amended
o F-86 all versions engines and speed amended
o F9F-2 all versions engines and speed amended
o CF-100 guns and ammo amended
o RF-84 guns and ammo amended
o Pe-2 all versions guns and ammo amended
o MiG-3 guns and ammo amended
o Lagg-3 guns and ammo amended
o 20m 20mm M3 Single mount on new A-1 Skyraiders typo fixed
o F-89 all versions engines and speed radar and weapons amended
o F-94 all versions engines and speed radar and weapons amended
o F7u all versions engines and speed radar and weapons amended
o F4D all versions engines and speed radar and weapons amended
o TGC Yavuz/SMS Goeben radar fit amended
o F-105 all versions engines and speed radar and loadouts amended
o Indian Navy Super Constellation MPA L-1049G Super Constellation (India) 1961-1983
Bug Fixes:  (Since v1.01)
• 0005890: Damage Status Dialog: Entering letters instead of numeric characters in Overall Damage field Crashes Command
• 0005887: Air Ops Dialog- Aircraft linking a little off
• 0005599: Cold War DB Mods
• 0005612: DEW line radars
• 0005688: Air-dropped anti-ship torpedoes should have correct firing range (shorter than max kinematic range)
• 0005810: A130 Ranger and A 207 Wave Class fuel consumption rate off
• 0005824: Fool112342000 Update requests
• 0005759: Game Crash Cold War Database Build 394 – If you filter it certain way
• 0005829: A 60 Dharini Class should have 1000 tons fuel
• 0005816: Nuke Talso carries wrong warhead
• 0005827: HN-5 Minimum altittude off
• 0005806: Need to Update aircraft mags for R08 Queen Elizabeth
• 0005807: E-3B may not have had ESM system in 1985
• 0005785: F-14 loadouts: 3x AIM-7 and 1/1/2 loadouts.
• 0005762: SUU-23 pods on RAF Phantoms in CWDB
• 0005801: RAF Tornado nuclear bombs & B61 for NATO aircraft
• 0005866: Griffin Mk60 four-round launcher
• 0005019: Add T/A-50 and/or F/A-50
• 0005010: KAI T-50 Golden Eagle
• 0005874: User needs a high speed sailboat
• 0005843: Issues with UK units in the database
• 0005857: F-14 loadout updates
• 0005851: KA-6D
• 0005865: SA-6 should have 40k ft max altitude?
• 0005831: Make the Praire Masker stat visible to the users
• 0005828: Add ‘Iceland’ as country in database
• 0005681: Australian Canberra Class LHD
• 0005799: Maritime Surveillance ready time for helo’s
• 0005680: Australia HMAS Choules, Bay Class (UK)
• 0005870: Duelist Lockup
• 0005872: Crash when disabling radars
• 0005883: Minesweeping sonar doesn’t seem to be working.
• 0005875: Event Editor: Conditions need to fully integrated into edit event dialog
• 0005803: Sensors window crash
• 0005813: Aircraft Ready message in message log
• 0005800: Massive Missile Strike CTD
• 0005839: [443] Winchesters Lockup
• 0005888: Winchester Showing up in Air Ops Dialog Again
• 0005922: [447]Database Viewer Crashing every time I access it
• 0005924: Aircraft cannot be manually launched- Flight Ops Broke
• 0005922: [447]Database Viewer Crashing every time I access it
• 0005935: Unlimited not quite working
• 0005877: Unit continues to burn fuel after stopped
• 0005631: Add Satelltite UI Bug reported by customer
• 0004708: RCOD when loading scen
• 0005499: B426 – Error Message Allocating SAM
• 0005871: Save Game Not Loading
• 0005937: Game crashes – The Pincer
• 0005239: Sonobuoy fixes
• 0005123: Four Horsemen scenario: tons of sonobuoys cases scen to run slowly
• 0005832: Corrupt Save Game
• 0005908: [445] Maria and Victoria Crash Bug
• 0005515: Type VII Uboat can fire deck gun underwater
• 0005840: Edge case of sub with Deck Gun
• 0005920: Kilters are hitting but not damage target
• 0005942: HARMs not damaging Launchers
• 0005949: Unlimited Ordinance Still not there yet
• 0005893: B446: SUBROC and Nuclear ASROC don’t work
• 0005948: When you manually type in a sub depth while commmand is running the game will crash
• 0005456: Aircraft assigned to AAW Patrol keep leaving their zone
• 0005574: CAP ignores ‘Investigate Outside Patrol Area’ flag
• 0005794: AAW Mission Ignoring unchecked investigate contact outside patrol area
• 0005941: New Speed and Alt Dialog defaults to 0 speed first time you enter it to edit
• 0005653: When side EMCON is radar=passive and a new AAW mission is created, side EMCON is changed to Active
• 0005969: Can’t see units
• 0005927: FB-111A Conventional loadouts
• 0005858: Add YF-12A
• 0005900: Attacker Mk 1/2 max speed
• 0005899: Misc DB Platforms
• 0005898: USAF F-4C 66-69 with Sidewinder AAW loads. Right now it’s just Falcon.
• 0005897: Soviet R-7 ICBM family (SS-6 Sapwood) and Italian cruiser Giuseppe Garibaldi
• 0005896: Sea Venom and Vautour IIN SNEBs and speed
• 0005860: Canberra B Mk6
• 0005842: Advanced ASW Scenario Text Fix
• 0005861: Canberra B(I)Mk6 and B(I)Mk8
• 0005867: 12.7mm Aircraft Mgs
• 0005859: P-47 D 12.7mm guns
• 0005911: USN Guppies
• 0005983: Loadout for Lincoln B.30 RAF 2000lb LDGP, RAF 250lb LDGP includes RAF 500lb LDGP not RAF 250lb LDGP.
• 0005981: Avenger of Royal Navy has agility 3.
• 0005979: Add Boom refueling for F-105. F-105s were able to be refueled by both boom or probe-drogue.
• 0005976: Hunter F.1 / F.2 / F.4 / F.6 should be fighter instead of attacker.
• 0005980: Independence class CVL has 17 medium A/C space in current database.
• 0005952: Canadian CP-107 mk 2: 20 built, carried the ASV-21 radar like the Nimrod MR.1 in CWDB.
• 0005977: Sea King HAR.3’s operator should be Royal Air Force instead of Royal Navy.
• 0005975: Egypt, Syria and Israel used Meteor NF Mk13, not Mk14.
• 0005955: RVN Barnegat PF (1 X 5″/38; 2 x 81mm mortars)
• 0005953: PCE-45 Chien Men (ex-AM-387 Toucan, Auk class)
• 0005954: RVN Edsall DE (3 x 3″/50 guns)•
• 0005978: Internal Guns” loadout for the Tu-91 Boot Strike (id = 572) with an appropriate range?
• 0005902: DB3k: Columbia KFir C Radar Arc not appearing- Brother vs. Brother needs to be updated to show
• 0005903: TA-50 AGM-65 loadout has Mk82 instead
• 0000772: DB3k Update: Israeli Dvora 3 Typhoon mounts fitted with 2 Spike ER Mounts and Missiles
• 0005510: [427] Hydra APKWS II Guidance
• 0005926: FREMM gun issue
• 0005936: RC-135 unable to do air to air refueling
• 0005940: Correction Swedish coastal missile battery RB 08
• 0005933: FB-111A conv weapons
• 0005572: BVR-configured fighter not RTBing after expending all BVR missiles
• 0005932: UI Scoring Module isn’t evaluating Victory..stays at minor defeat
• 0005895: Tank kills are being calculated incorrectly in the losses and expenditures log
• 0005313: Not able to add speed and alt order at a plot waypoint
• 0005094: SARH missiles are overshooting a lot
• 0005864: Wake Homer seeker too weak?
• 0005002: Path for wire guided torps is not updated when target changes speed/heading
• 0005820: [442] 53-65K WH Wake Homing Torpedoes
• 0005427: 0% PH against Russian Warship
• 0005489: AI should fire torpedoes with Full speed throttle setting when possible
• 0005634: Torps with 0 % Chance of hitting
• 0006030: DLZ Calculations Goofed missiles won’t fire
• 0006029: Quickjump Error: Quickjump losing track of assignments and skipping units
• 0006028: Quick Jump Error: Reassigning a key throws an exception
• 0004794: Antisubmarine Torpedo attacking surface ship
• 0005547: [430] Mk. 46 being launched against a surface vessel
• 0005376: Wire-guided torpedoes with an old target should start search pattern, not attack uncertainty region
• 0004789: Tu-142 launches ASW torpedo at ships
• 0005710: Torpedoes chase old contacts, circling around and around when they reach them
• 0005855: [443] White Burnout after torpedo hit
• 0006020: [461] Group Waypoint orders and Mission issues.
• 0005558: [427] Throttle&altitude setting logic
• 0005996: Refuelling Doctrine is not being saved
• 0005965: [bug] quick save resets mission refuel settings
• 0006065: Air Ops window: when opening the Ready Aircraft window the currently used loadout should be selected
• 0006066: It should be possible to double-click to select a loadout
• 0006068: Game freezes a few seconds after dropping a sonobouy
• 0006031: Can somebody check VDS sonars
• 0006063: ESSMs are not illuminating at impact point
• 0006062: [463] SARH SAMs going blind too easily
• 0006050: Weapons window opens DB entry of weapon when i click on checkbox
• 0005587: MiG-29 launches AAM at outdated contact
• 0001531: ‘Dead’ anti-air missiles should fly in a straight line
• 0005915: De-select manual speed&course settings problem
• 0004879: Function keys also close windows
• 0001264: Desired speed label doesn’t change with altitude
• 0002780: General program infrastructure] Speed settings labels
• 0004784: Re-directed ESSMs go after targets far off-line
• 0004811: Current loadout should be highlighted in loadout selection window
• 0005234: [413] Non friendly air units over water show AGL above seabed, not sealevel
• 0002855: AMRAAMs fly in strange directions
• 0005300: Make unavailable loadouts be printed in a different colour than the available ones.
• 0005319: Release and document KML-to-INST tool (Flanker)
• 0005409: Aircraft descent rates are too high
• 0006042: Ready Aircraft Dialog: Text issue
• 0006021: [461] Climb Rates or aircraft
• 0006013: [461] AS-14 Kedge [Kh-29L] running blind
• 0005670: Operating Radius displayed in ready ac dialog
• 0005566: Altitude still reports meters in some windows…
• 0005509: Hotkeys that open windows should also close those windows
• 0006076: [464] Edit AC Ready Immediately crash
• 0005767: User not able to destroy a hardened shelter with SDB- Check these out
• 0005480: [422] Tanker retains Offloading fuel status when I rtb the aircraft that was supposed to tank
• 0005668: Interrupting air-to-air refuelling will still show “refueling in progress” on the tanker
• 0005679: Su-25 cannot illuminate ship targets for AS-14s
• 0006026: Clicking on Reload Priority opens database viewer. Not intended?
• 0006079: DBViewer crashes always
• 0005994: Yak-9 guns
• 0005971: Air-to-air nukes rarely hit anything
• 0005961: AO’s seem to have an issue with fuel. Could you check these
• 0002645: DB3K: Add Russian Buyan/Astrakhan class corvettes
• 0005585: SET-40U
• 0006022: DB3k Update; Spanish Sea King AEW missing air search capability?
• 0006110: Antishipping Missiles Twirling when they reach their sensor activation point
• 0006122: Nothing happens after CBU-105 hits target
• 0006118: Missions: Implement Sea Control Mission
• 0006123: All-Sonobuoy loadout causes plane status to become WINCHESTER
• 0006136: [466] Mission Editor Dialog too tall for my screen
• 0005648: Helicopters use dipping sonar over land
• 0005256: Dipping sonar not working
• 0005778: Need to add Manual dipping for helo’s with dipping sonar
• 0006106: [465] Game freeze after launch torpedo BOL.
• 0006036: [462] ASW Mission Logic: Surface Units on ASW missions will not engage hostile ships that fire on them
• 0005111: Ships on AAW patrol should still engage surface contacts with guns
• 0005763: Sead Patrol mission should have RTB When Winchester set by default
• 0006112: Hold Position for ground units
• 0006132: Cannot select new home base for grouped aircraft, only one-by-one
• 0004198: Ability to manually change aircraft callsigns
• 0004760: No way to delete a specific aircraft from a base / ship
• 0006035: Mobile units should have a ‘static’ option so they don’t move around
• 0006034: Doctrine option: Use SAMs in anti-ship mode
• 0000759: On/off switch for SAM’s with Surface Target Engagement Capability
• 0005651: Adding/Removing weapon record from loadout causes a crash
• 0006159: Sidebar slightly trimmed from B461 onwards
• 0005758: Players would like to hide reference Points
• 0006090: Tu-16s taking up runway access points
• 0005973: AS-2 drone shoots down AIM-54
• 0006190: Accessing the Side ROE and doing nothing changes the unit opportunity fire ROE to yes
• 0004668: SAM Site isn’t grabbing weapons from attached ammo dump
• 0004920: Can’t transfer ammo from land mag to SAM unit
• 0004050: Issue with Mission Activate Event – We disabled the ability ot set a mission time in game
• 0004955: Players would like to be able to set mission activation times in game mode.
• 0006024: Scenario user was building crashes at load
• 0006207: Mission Editior Dialog: Set Activation Time procedure set the mission inactive for the player
• 0006206: [471] Mission Editor Time Activation Text Color
• 0006115: Mining Mission Freeze
• 0005691: Mining Mission with 2 RP Crashes Command
• 0005423: Traffic Jam on Chinese Carrier
• 0005464: Traffic on Kiev and Stokiy
• 0005677: [434] Strange traffic jam on carrier
• 0005513: Airport Traffic Jam
• 0006210: [472) Map Cursor Data Block-> Do not show doesn’t work
• 0006137: [460] CV Traffic Jam
• 0006212: [B472] 4 Horsemen Lockup
• 0006220: HQ-9 problem
• 0005531: [B427] Game crashes following KA-6D crash due to lack of fuel
• 0005614: [431] Recorder Error
• 0005164: Mission editor set loadout crash
• 0006231: [474]Map Cursor Databox relocate slows/breaks waypoint feature
• 0006227: [473] Loadout Description (possible) bug
• 0006226: [B474] Missing Loadout details in Air Ops window
• 0006008: DB3k: ZSU-23-4 Issues
• 0006187: [469] Coastal Fort Moving at 30 knots/ Mobile unit
• 0003306: DB3K: S-350 Vityaz SAM battery
• 0006195: Brazilian Brooklyn class light cruisers
• 0006203: WR-40 Langusta
• 0006204: Italy Fixes and Updates
• 0006213: DB3k Fix: J-10 LT-2 LGB loadout has a 60 minute load time.
• 0004606: Mech Infantry with M113 APC, BTR-60/70/80 APC, BMP-1/2/3 IFVs
• 0003020: DB3K: JAS-39E/F Gripen-NG
• 0004477: Vietnamese Kilo (Varshavyanka )
• 0004094: DB3k: Add Algerian 636 Kilo (Rais Hadi Slimane 2011)
• 0006143: Pr.1123 weapon details
• 0005733: Baltic radar systems
• 0005931: Swedish army plts
• 0006149: DB3k:Radar VRRVY – was HF radar for main radar VRRVI not 3D radar as it’s now in database
• 0006147: DB3k Update: Size DP discrepency with civilian motor yacht
• 0006148: DB3k Update:AN/MPQ-64 F1 Improved Sentinel 3D X-band radar
• 0006150: DB3k US Ballistic Early Warning radars have been mixed up. (AN/FPS-23 and AN/FPS-26)
• 0006151: DB3k Request: Add Generic forward air controller
• 0006155: DB3k: SM-6 IOC’d on USS Kidd
• 0006161: Finnish Drakens
• 0006141: EE Lightning fixes missing
• 0006140: Polish navy units
• 0003898: Destroyed sensors showing up in losses and expenditures report
• 0006095: Number of launchers for SS-4 Sandal mod 1, SS-5 Skean mod 1 in database
• 0006146: Finnish Hawks
• 0005881: FOST ASW Scenario
• 0006049: [462] Scenario Update: Tiger and Dragon
• 0006005: Add USNS version of supply ships
• 0006044: DB3k: Aussie Airbaus A330-220 MRTT needs centerline boom and drogues
• 0006056: DB3k Update: Wrong Patriot in Israeli GEM
• 0005561: DB3k Update: UK RC-135W Airseeker IOC 2014
• 0005789: Add Pirate Mothership
• 0006201: DB3k: Kiev Mags need R-60T variant of Aphid not R-60TM
• 0005370: HTML from Messages Action Showing up in Message Log
• 0006197: Taiwan F-16A Blk 20 should use AIM-9M instead of AIM-9S.
• 0006219: Peacekeeper needs 10x MIRVs
• 0006223: Tarantul V
• 0002735: DB3K & CWDB: BM-21 MLRS
• 0006045: DB3k Update: Error in MH-53E 1984 Loadout
• 0006121: Italian vehicles
• 0004527: JAS-39E Gripen
• 0006060: Add Polish Krab arty system
• 0006093: RH-53D Sea Stallion has AN/AQS-14 show as 0x in loadout readying window
• 0006142: F-105 loadout oddities
• 0006192: SU-7 Updates
• 0006116: F2-manual setting re-appears (The Walking Depth)
• 0006252: [475] When Tanker killed refuelee hovers in refueling state
• 0006082: Command Miscalculating rocket kills on Mounts
• 0006262: [476] Activation Time button crash
• 0006251: [475] Scoring not working correctly
• 0006275: [477] Crash after game start
• 0006280: [477] Command Crashes when Recording Button Pushed
• 0006279: [476] Crash during Sakhalin or Karafuto
• 0006274: [477] Crash
• 0006284: [477] Baloogan’s autosave Crash
• 0006267: [477] New Home Airfield Crash
• 0006241: Seemingling SARH Guidance Related Crash
• 0006268: Ed’s Scenario Crash
• 0006233: [AI] SSM missiles without terrain fly lower than terrain
• 0006016: [461] Weapons Dialog- Dialog isn’t refreshed after removing a mount showing the change
• 0006139: [466] Attack aircraft aren’t decending quick enough to unload their rockets in the first pass (ragnar)
• 0006253: [472-475] Takes two clicks to close are you sure you want to quit menu
• 0006288: [478] AMSL and AGL Issue
• 0006283: [477] Harm B is impacting target and target is reporting heavy damage in the log but showing no damage
• 0006289: [478] Kilters constantly missing target by 1000’s of meters
• 0006303: [479] Tanker RTB Calculations crashing them
• 0006299: [479] ARM accuracy is way to low
• 0006300: [479] Thawks seemingly illuminated through mountain range
• 0005960: Canary Cage Freezes
• 0006302: [479] Seahawk’s aren’t RTB’ing after shooting all hellfires->Winchester issue?
• FIXED: Unit Status text formatting
• FIXED: SAMs engaging strangely
• FIXED: Torpedo passive seeker error
• FIXED: Torpedo warhead effectiveness
• FIXED: Deactivate speed/alt presets via unit status
• FIXED: Excessive CEP on anti-ship missiles (e.g. Gabriels on “Battle Latakia”)
• FIXED: problem with “Launch as group” (Air Ops window) not working
• FIXED: Missile impact problems on coarse (1-sec pulse) time mode
• FIXED: Units involved in Support Patrol don’t respect the transit throttle setting
• FIXED: Delayed missions were activating immediately on scenario start