
Author Archives: Coiler12

Seeing A Unit You’ve Used

It’s an interesting feeling to see a unit one has used or seen in Command in real-life news. For instance, upon seeing a report about the upgrading of the Akula-class submarine Vepr, I went “Wait a second, was that a sub I used in a scenario?” And after rechecking my LIVE scenario Kuril Sunrise, I […]

Command LIVE: Broken Shield 300 is out!

The newest Command LIVE DLC, Operation Broken Shield 300, has been released.

The Classic Divisional Layout

The Heavy OPFOR Organizational presents a self-proclaimed “composite” example of an infantry division, in contrast to its explicitly Soviet/Russian styled motor rifle and tank formations. Fittingly, this serves as an example of the “classic” triangular division found by many countries since World War II. After World War II, with armor becoming more common, the classical […]

Unconventional Military Fiction

Here, I’m not talking about books dealing with unconventional warfare. I’m talking about military fiction books that have unconventional premises from the usual popular technothriller topics. And in my long history of reading and reviewing such books, I’ve found more than a few. Some of the most out-there include: Dark Rose by Mike Lunnon-Wood. A […]

Command: Modern Operations Has Been Released

Command: Modern Operations, the sequel to Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations, is now out.

CMO announcement and developer interview

At the beginning of this month, Command Modern Operations was announced. Now a full developer interview is available.

Kushan’s El Dorado Canyon Scenario

After much work, Kushan’s Command reenactment of the famous Operation El Dorado Canyon is finally released to the public for open testing. It can be accessed on the Matrix forums here.