
Author Archives: Coiler12

The Kuril Islands War that Wasn’t-How Scenarios Stall

Late 1993. Russia’s eyes are focused on the showdown between Yeltsin and the parliament, the crisis that would end the country’s experiment with democracy almost as soon as it began. But in the Far East, a seemingly long-defeated adversary hopes to take advantage of it… Fleets of ships and aircraft rush from Hokkaido and strike […]

The Strange Attraction of Sub Scenarios

Why do I like sub scenarios? I’m not very good with subs in Command, so playing with anything less than an advanced sub compared to its target isn’t the most fun. ASW (Anti Submarine Warfare) – mockingly but accurately referred to as “Awfully Slow Warfare” – also holds generally as much appeal to me as […]

Possibilities of Sortie Generation Rate Modelling

The ability to change sortie rates from “Surge” (faster) to “Sustained” in 1.06 of Command has been very beneficial. For the player wanting to be a munchkin/enthusiast, flipping “quick-turn-around” to on and enjoying a rapid back-and-forth between base and target can be enjoyable, as the aircraft strikes three times in three hours. For the player […]

The Pentagon Reformers

The Reformers went by many names, “Pentagon Reformers”, “Military Reformers”, the “Defense Reform Movement”, and probably others, although the last was the most common. Coming to prominence in the late 1970s and early 1980s, they unsuccessfully challenged the buildup of military equipment in the Reagan and later Carter administrations. Accurate, fair accounts of the Reformers […]

Thoughts on Command Scenario Design

Of all the excellent features in Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations, the scenario editor stands out. Both comprehensive and easy to use, it allows a vast amount of scenario creation and experimentation. In fact, it’s so fluid that many of my “scenario plans” have turned into nothing but me fooling around in the editor, seeing how […]